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Activa and StAR Awards

At our 2024 MoneyTrends Conference, INFiN will dedicate a portion of the program to an awards presentation to showcase the important community work and other special activities of certain members. This program serves to recognize the community engagement efforts of those members who are committed to reinvesting in the communities where they are located and showing solidarity with the customers they serve. The awards ceremony has become a major highlight at our annual conference and is an opportunity to share, with all members, the great work being done by fellow INFiN members. 


We are excited to announce that submissions are now being accepted for our two prestigious annual awards: Activa Awards and StAR Awards!


Now is the time for you to think about all of the things your organization has done to give back or make an impact in your local communities to see if you qualify for an award.


Deadline for Entries is August 23, 2024 

Awards FAQs


What Awards Are Available?

INFiN honors members with through two types of awards, Activa & StAR. 


What is the Activa Award?

The Activa Award honors INFiN’s most active and inspirational members who have made a difference in their communities through fundraising, volunteer efforts and other philanthropic works. Take advantage of this opportunity to show pride in being part of the communities you serve and receive recognition for your company's ongoing efforts to improve your community, by nominating your business for an Activa Award.


What is the StAR Award?

The StAR award is presented each year to encourage aesthetic awareness and recognize INFiN member organizations for their outstanding efforts to enhance, improve and beautify the communities they are in. Has your company renovated one or more of your locations in the past year in order to enhance the quality of your service and make a great impression in your community? If so, you may qualify for the Store Appearance Recognition (StAR) Award.


Who is Eligible?

All regular INFiN members in good standing are eligible to nominate their organization for both the Activa & StAR awards.


Can I Nominate My Company for both awards?

Yes. So long as your submission falls within our nomination parameters, we encourage members to submit for each award type.


I need more information about the awards or would like to determine if my organization’s efforts qualify.

We’re here to help! Please contact LeeAnn Thompson with any questions at or 202.327.9714.



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